Asteroid 2000 AJ129 Passing NGC5921

While looking through the data captured of NGC 5921, I discovered a very dim object slowly moving through the field of view. The object has been identified as main belt asteroid 2000 AJ129, magnitude 15.
- 28x 450s Luminance
Total integration 3 hours 30 minutes.
- Celestron EdgeHD 1100
- SkyWatcher EQ8 Pro Mount
- QSI 683-wsg Camera @ -15°C
- Astronomik Typ 2c luminance filter
- Starlight Xpress Lodestar II guide camera
- Innovations Foresight On Axis Guider
- Starlight Xpress Active Optics
- Orange zone in Brisbane, Australia. (Bortle 7)
- New moon phase.
- Captured with AstroArt 6
- Guiding with PHD2 + PHD_Dither
- CCDInspector: Image analysis & rejection
- CCDStack 2+: Calibrate, align
- TheSkyX Professional: Plate solving.
- Aladin 9: Astrometry.
- Photoshop CC: Labels, cross hair, animation.