Eagle Nebula

The Eagle Nebula is located 7000 light years away and is home to the famous "Pillars of Creation", shown in the centre of this image. This photograph is presented in the Hubble narrowband palette, which shows the distrubution of Hydrogen (green), Oxygen (blue), and Sulfur (red) gasses.
- 51x 600s 6nm H-alpha + 12 flat + 50x dark + 120x bias
- 49x 600s 12nm SII + 20 flat + 50x dark + 120x bias
- 38x 600s 12nm OIII + 20 flat + 50x dark + 120x bias
Total exposure 23 hours.
- Celestron EdgeHD 1100
- SkyWatcher EQ8 Pro Mount
- Celestron 0.7x EdgeHD focal reducer
- QSI 683-ws Camera @ -15°C
- Astronomik 6nm Ha, 12nm SII, 12nm OIII filters
- Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2 Autoguider
- Innovations Foresight On Axis Guider
- Starlight Xpress Adaptive Optics
- Starlight Instruments Focus Boss II
- Orange zone in Brisbane, Australia. (Bortle 7)
- Imaged over 5 nights.
- Planning & camera alignment with Aladin 9
- Captured with AstroArt 6
- Guiding with PHD2 + PHD_Dither
- FocusLock live focusser
- CCDInspector: Image analysis & rejection
- CCDStack 2+: Calibrate, align, stack, deconvolution.
- Photoshop CC: Reduce noise, high pass filter, shadows/highlights, levels, curves, combine SHO as RGB.