Gabriela Mistral Nebula

The Gabriela Mistral Nebula lies close to the Carina Nebula ~7500 light years distant in the far-southern sky. This image is a narrowband representation showing glowing ionised gasses, Hydrogen-alpha (orange), Sulfur-II (red), and Oxygen-III (blue).
Image Integration:
- 43x 600s Hydrogen-alpha
- 42x 600s Sulfur-II
- 54x 600s Oxygen-III
Total exposure 23 hours 10 minutes.
- GSO RC8 carbon fibre astrograph
- SkyWatcher EQ8 Pro Mount
- QSI 683-ws8 Camera @ -15°C
- Astronomik 6nm Ha, 6nm SII, 6nm OIII
- Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2 Autoguider
- Starlight Xpress Active Optics
- Innovations Foresight On Axis Guider
- Imaged over five nights, high humidity. Orange zone in Brisbane, Australia. (Bortle 7)
- Planning & camera alignment with The SkyX Pro
- Captured with AstroArt 6
- Guiding with PHD2 + PHD_Dither
- CCDInspector: Image analysis & rejection
- CCDStack 2+: Calibrate, align, stack.
- PixInsight: Linear fit, denoise, deconvolution, pixelmath combine SHO, background neutralization, histogram, curves, local histogram equalization, shrink stars, curves.