Peculiar Galaxy NGC 5713

NGC 5713 (right) is a peculiar, asymmetric galaxy, interacting with NGC 5719 (left) in the constellation Virgo.
Although classified as a spiral galaxy by most galaxy catalogs, NGC 5713 galaxy is very different from most normal spiral galaxies. While most spiral galaxies either have either two well-defined spiral arms or a filamentary spiral-like structure, this spiral galaxy has only one visible spiral arm in its disk. This makes it a galaxy of the Magellanic type. Gravitational interactions with the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 5719 may be responsible for producing the disturbed, asymmetric structure including the single spiral arm. Source: Wikipedia
- 71x 240s Luminance
- 13x 240s Red
- 12x 240s Green
- 23x 240s Blue
Total integration 7 hours 56 minutes.
- Celestron 11" EdgeHD
- Skywatcher EQ8 Pro mount
- QSI 683-ws8 Camera @ -15°C
- Astronomik Luminance, Deep Sky RGB filters
- Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2 Autoguider
- Starlight Xpress Active Optics
- Innovations Foresight On Axis Guider
- Starlight Instruments Focus Boss II
- Exposed during 4 nights between 8th May and 22nd May 2019.
- Orange zone in Brisbane, Australia. (Bortle 7)
- Planning & camera alignment with Aladin 10
- Captured with TheSkyX Professional
- Guiding with PHD2
- FocusLock live focusing
- PixInsight: Calibrate, align, stack, noise reduction, background neutralisation, LRGB combination, histogram stretch, curves.