A collection of astronomical photos taken by Adam Lundie at Eatons Hill Observatory.
Equipment Used:
- Telescope 1: Celestron 1100 Edge HD
- Telescope 2: Skywatcher Esprit 120ED
- Telescope 3: Skywatcher Black Diamond 80ED
- Mount: Skywatcher EQ8-Rh Pro
- Imaging Cameras: QSI 683ws-8 Monochrome, ZWO ASI290MM
- Filters: Astrodon Tru-Balance Gen 2 LRGB, Astronomik CLS-CCD, 6nm Hα, 6nm SII, 6nm OIII, ProPlanet 742nm IR-pass
- Guide Camera: Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2
- Guiding Optics: Skywatcher Evoguide 50ED, Innovations Foresight ONAG, Starlight Xpress Large Format Active Optics
- Focusers: Starlight Instruments Feather Touch + Posi Drive Motor
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Recent Work:
NGC 1055 is an edge-on spiral galaxy located 52 million light-years away.
Often I like to see how an image is processed from start to finished. Presented in this animation are the main processing steps in sequence from my image of the Horsehead Nebula
While looking through the data captured last night of NGC 1055, I discovered an object slowly moving through the field of view. It seems to be moving much more slowly than a satellite, so I can only conclude it must be an asteroid. Thanks to Le_Baron on Reddit, the asteroid was identified as 2002 UY1.
I decided to take advantage of the only clear night for over a week to play with some new toys: an Astronomik 6nm Hα filter, and a Starlight Xpress adaptive optics unit. After learning how to calibrate and use the AO, I settled on the Horsehead Nebula as my target.
Often I like to see how an image is processed from start to finished. Presented in this animation are the main processing steps in sequence from my image of NGC 300
NGC 300 is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Sculptor. It is one of the closest galaxies to the Local Group at 6 million light years distance.
Often I like to see how an image is processed from start to finished. Presented in this animation are the main processing steps in sequence from my image of the Sculptor Galaxy
I was playing around with my camera binning modes in preparation for a dark sky trip next weekend, and ended up with this. Even though it's just a test shot, I think it turned out pretty well. New lesson learned; don't overexpose the stars.
Often I like to see how an image is processed from start to finished. Presented in this animation are the main processing steps in sequence from my image of the Helix Nebula
The Helix Nebula, also known as The Helix, NGC 7293, is a large planetary nebula located in the constellation Aquarius, 695 light years away.
My original target was the Helix Nebula, but after spending most of Saturday night trying to work out how to use off axis guiding, I gave up and noticed Orion was rising. A nice bright target to use the drift aligned mount on.
I thought I'd give eyepiece projection a try since my previous attempts at capturing Saturn were a dismal failure.
I have only a few nights experience with astrophography, so while I wait for my new camera, I'm using my wife's full frame DSLR. Since it's not so sensitive to emission nebula, I thought I'd try a dark nebula.