A collection of astronomical photos taken by Adam Lundie at Eatons Hill Observatory.
Equipment Used:
- Telescope 1: Celestron 1100 Edge HD
- Telescope 2: Skywatcher Esprit 120ED
- Telescope 3: Skywatcher Black Diamond 80ED
- Mount: Skywatcher EQ8-Rh Pro
- Imaging Cameras: QSI 683ws-8 Monochrome, ZWO ASI290MM
- Filters: Astrodon Tru-Balance Gen 2 LRGB, Astronomik CLS-CCD, 6nm Hα, 6nm SII, 6nm OIII, ProPlanet 742nm IR-pass
- Guide Camera: Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2
- Guiding Optics: Skywatcher Evoguide 50ED, Innovations Foresight ONAG, Starlight Xpress Large Format Active Optics
- Focusers: Starlight Instruments Feather Touch + Posi Drive Motor
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Recent Work:
Shaped like a cats paw, NGC 6334 is a stellar nursery and emission nebula 5,500 light years away in the constellation Scorpius. This image comprises of emission line data for Sulfur-II, Hydrogen-alpha and Oxygen-III, mapped to red, green, and blue respectively.
Mars is currently at it's closest to Earth since 2003, and appears as a brilliant red star in the sky. Unfortunately it is also suffering from a severe global dust storm, showing no signs of abating. This means even the polar ice caps are hard to see, let alone any surface features.
Jupiter is high in the skies just after dusk. I period of good seeing allowed me to capture more detail than I've managed before.
NGC 6188 is a large emission nebula of compressed molecular clouds 4,000 light years away in the constellation Ara. This image spans around 3 full moons and comprises of emission line data for Sulfur-II, Hydrogen-alpha and Oxygen-III, mapped to red, green, and blue respectively.
The barred grand spiral galaxy NGC 5921 lies 65 million light years away. It was discovered by William Herschel on 1 May 1786. There are several background galaxies present in the image.
While looking through the data captured of NGC 5921, I discovered a very dim object slowly moving through the field of view. The object has been identified as main belt asteroid 2000 AJ129, magnitude 15.
Shapley 1 is a planetary nebula in the southern sky with a magnitude 14 white dwarf at it's center. It is approximately 4900 light years away, and one third of a light year across.
The Snake Nebula (also known as Barnard 72) is a small but S-shaped dust lane that snakes out in front of the Milky Way star clouds.
For a period of three mostly cloudy nights, the planet Mars and Pluto were within 1.5 degrees of each other.
NGC5367 is a reflection nebula 2000 light years in the Centaurus constellation. The bright blue stars illuminate the otherwise dark molecular cloud complex.
NGC4361 is a planetary nebula with spiral arms similar to a galaxy. The star at the center of the nebula is shedding its outer layers while contracting to form a white dwarf.
The large and bright Bubble Galaxy, or NGC 3521, is located in the Leo constellation, which is quite north in the sky for my location. Upon seeing a fantastic test exposure, I could not leave this galaxy alone.
The Gabriela Mistral Nebula lies close to the Carina Nebula ~7500 light years distant in the far-southern sky. This image is a narrowband representation showing glowing ionised gasses, Hydrogen-alpha (orange), Sulfur-II (red), and Oxygen-III (blue).
NGC2835 is a small, faint spiral galaxy in the Hydra constellation. This is a test shot through a newly acquired GSO RC8 carbon fibre astrograph.
The Vela Supernova Remnant is an expanding bubble of ionized gas 800 light years away, caused by a supernova explosion 12000 years ago. This image is a small section of the bubble, presented as a narrowband combination of light emitted by Hydrogen alpha, Sulfur II and Oxygen III.